I hope you are not already sick of Halloween... because I have one last Halloween-inspired alpha for you.
It is currently school holidays here and I have had my next older sister and a couple of her kids staying this week. It's been wonderful but has meant that I have spent most of my time hanging out with them (rather than designing stuff for you) so I decided to finish off the Jack-O-Lantern alpha that I have mentioned a few times in the past fortnight. I'm rather happy with the result and hope you like it too. I included a little Jack-O-Lantern as well as a little bonus to the alpha.

HERE to head on over to Digital Scrap Ink and download the alpha.
If you haven't already done so, please fill in the poll
HERE with your preferred choice of freebies and any suggestions of themes or colours that you would like. I will be starting the Fairytale Academy (designer "school") in a few days which runs for 6 weeks and results in part of a kit being produced each week (eg patterned papers one week, flowers and ribbons another etc). I am hoping to create 2 kits at the same time instead of just one, with one going into my store and the other being given away as a freebie as the weeks progress. Well, we'll see how well that goes and whether I then end up giving links to updated versions of the earlier downloads once the kit is completed :)
I'll be back next Saturday with the first installment of the kit. I guess the main difference to a typical "weekly download" is that there will be no full kit preview so you'll just have to download each piece and wait and see what the kit turns out like :)