Well, I have just signed up for the Design Challenge over at
Brownie Scraps which means that I will now be delving into the crazy world of designing digital scrapbook kits. *gulp* The challenge goes for 6 weeks where I will be required to create a mini-kit each week according to a given theme or colour scheme (or whatever else they come up with) and submit it to the gallery. Registered users at Brownie Scraps will then be able to download all of the contestants' mini-kits and create various layouts. Each week, the administrators will select the best layout using the provided kits and the person who created the winning layout and kit will both receive a prize. In the previous design challenge, this prize was a coupon to spend at the Brownie Scraps online store.
Having signed up to the design challenge, the next obvious step was to choose a designer name. My first choice was "Snuggle Pie Designs" but a quick google showed that there is a baby/family/ticker website called snugglepie.com so I figured I was best to steer clear of that so I went for "Snuggle Berry Pie Designs". Yum!
The next obvious step was to create a logo/label. After a few hours of attempting to draw a pie, I then put together a simple logo sticker then spent many, many hours trying to decide on the colour scheme to use for the logo. After going round and round in circles, I finally decided on a nice simple and elegant glittery silver sticker with dark purple text. Hopefully I won't change it again :)

The next step (which I am currently about half-way through completing) is to create a template for the kit preview. So far I have created places for the papers, added a border, created some cardboard and used this around the edges and stuck my logo sticker across the corner. I still need to add an area for the kit name, content details, S4H/S4O and anything else I can come up with (after looking at a few other people's previews). THEN I will be ready to start designing the actual kit contents! The challenge starts next week so I still have a little time up my sleeves to get my preview ready :)
So, with the new "designer" name, it was time for a new blog - hence this blog at